
Sunday, 23 February 2014

First Evaluation Results for Students

1)      Which is the title of the Comenius project our school has undertaken?
GR 64 /67students answered this question correctly, 3 /67students didn’t know the answer.
IT 274/274 students answered this question correctly
BG 20 /20 students answered this question correctly.
TUR 24/24 students answered this question correctly.
PL 62/76 students answered this question correctly, 14/76 students didn’t know the answer.
2)      What is it going to be about?
  GR: 48 /67students answered this question correctly, 19/67 students didn’t know the correct answer.
  IT 274/274 students answered this question correctly
  BG 20 /20 students answered this question correctly.
  TUR 24/24 students answered this question correctly.
  PL  46/76 students answered this question correctly, 30/76 students didn’t know the correct answer


3)    Which are the other participant countries?
GR: 47/67 students answered this question correctly, 20/67 students didn’t know the answer.
IT 274/274 students answered this question correctly
BG 20 /20 students answered this question correctly.
TUR 24/24 students answered this question correctly.
      PL:48/76 students answered this question correctly, 28/76 students didn’t know the answer.

4)      Mark the two most important reasons why you participate in the project:
a)      I am interested in the theme.
b)      I like new challenges.
c)      I want to have a chance to communicate with students from different countries.
d)     I want to work in a different way than I work at school.
e)      I want to use new computer technologies.
f)       I want to develop my language skills.
g)      I agreed to teacher’s suggestions. 
5)      In what way would you like to participate in Comenius project? Mark the two most important answers to you.
a)      Preparing posters, newspapers, press articles, exhibitions, etc.
b)      Participation in school trips connected with the project.
c)      Participation in the presentation for local community.
d)     Taking part in videoconferences, writing emails to students from other countries.
e)      Hosting project visitors at homes. (for the countries who have students on their trips)
6)      In what way the project will influence your personal development?
a)      Not at all
b)      Hardly not
c)      In minimum
d)     Mostly
e)      Very much
7)      I think that thanks to the project I will learn a lot of interesting and necessary things.
a)      Yes, of course
b)      I don’t think so
c)I’m not sure

8)     I would like to take my own ideas and suggestions to be taken into consideration.
      a)      Yes, of course
      b)      I don’t think so
      c)      I’m not sure


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