Second evaluation form for students Comenius project “Europe in a …Museum”
May-June 2014
1st question
Lithuania- 49 answers
Greece 52 answers
Bulgaria 20 answers
So far, are you satisfied with the Comenius
project process?
a) In minimum
b) Mostly
c) Very much 20
Turkey 30 answers
Poland 73 answers
So far, are you satisfied with the Comenius project
d) In minimum
e) Mostly
f) Very much
CONCLUSION: The pupils in every country seem to be mostly and very much satisfied with the Comenius project process. In Poland and in Lithuania there are some pupils who are not that satisfied. Maybe they are some older pupils.
2nd question
Lithuania- 49 answers
Greece 52 answers
Bulgaria 20 answers
2) Has the project influenced your personal development?
2) Has the project influenced your personal development?
a) Not at all
b) Hardly not
c) In minimum
d) Mostly
e) Yes, very much
Poland 73 answers
3) Has
the project influenced your personal development?
f) Not at all
g) Hardly not
h) In minimum
CONCLUSION: The pupils in every country seem to be mostly and very much influenced by the project. The most positive answers were given in Bulgaria and Turkey.
3rd question
Bulgaria 20 answers
The project so far helped me:
all the
above 20
Poland 73 answers
4) The
project so far helped me:
to learn a
lot of interesting and necessary things
l) to be more self confident and open minded
to improve
my language skills
to make
new friends from different countries
to learn
about the museums of different countries
organize a multicultural museum in my school
to learn
new things about our local museums
r) to present the civilization and culture of my
country to others
s) to use new computer technologies
t) all the above
(here you can choose more than one answer)
CONCLUSION: The In Bulgaria and in Italy the most popular answer was the last:"all the above" wlile for the rest of the countries the most popular answer was "to learn about the museums of different countries" and after that " to learn new things about our local museums".
In Lithuania and Poland the least popular was "to make new friends from different countries". For Greek and Turkish pupils, the project did not help them "to be more self confident and open minded"
4th questionIn Lithuania and Poland the least popular was "to make new friends from different countries". For Greek and Turkish pupils, the project did not help them "to be more self confident and open minded"
Bulgaria 20 answers
3) Do you think that the project’s activities should be improved?
a) Yes, of course
3) Do you think that the project’s activities should be improved?
a) Yes, of course
b) A little further
Poland 73 answers
5) Do you
think that the project’s activities should be improved?
d) Yes, of course
e) A little further
f) No, there is no need
CONCLUSION: The greatest majority of pupils does not think that the project should be improved or maybe just a little bit. Only in Lithuania the pupils whould definetely like some changes.
CONCLUSION: The greatest majority of pupils does not think that the project should be improved or maybe just a little bit. Only in Lithuania the pupils whould definetely like some changes.
Extra comments:
From Lithuania:
From Lithuania:
Rather boring – 1 student
Useless/worthless/waist of time - 10 students
No impact on academic achievements/ very little
connection with English – 5 students
It doesn’t bother me – 1 student
Make friends abroad – 1 student
Useful activity/ interesting/ helps to broaden
outlook/ opens new horizons – 31 student
From Greece:
I would like to to participate more next year. 1students
It was a unique experience and we learned a lot of things!16students
We should as well visit another country.1students
We should get more visitors from the other countries.1students
It should be more interesting! 1students
I would like to to participate more next year. 1students
It was a unique experience and we learned a lot of things!16students
We should as well visit another country.1students
We should get more visitors from the other countries.1students
It should be more interesting! 1students
evaluation form for students’ parents Comenius
project “Europe in a …Museum”
May-June 2014
1st question
Until now,
thanks to the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills
a) Interpersonal relationship
Thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like b) Social
thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like:c) School
thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like:d) Self confidence
thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like: e) The
consciousness of belonging to international community
Lithuania 31 answers
Greece 30 answers
thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like: f) Learning Englis and
languages of partners
Lithuania 31 answers
Greece 30 answers
Poland 54 answers
thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like: g) Understading
for different cultures
Lithuania 31 answers
Bulgaria 20 answers
Turkey 15 questionnaires
thanks to
the project my son/daughter has acquired more knowledge and skills like: h) Positive
attitude towards multicultural differences
CONCLUSION: the parents' answers are very difficult to interprete. They are all certain that their children thanks to the project have acquired more knowledge and skills like: h) Positive attitude towards multicultural differences and g) Understading for different cultures. But still there are some parents who are not convinced of the positive infkuence of the project on their children. These parents will have to be convinced this year.
2nd question
Thanks to
the project the school my child attends to:
Italy 40 questionnaires
Lithuania 31 answers
Poland 54 answers
CONCLUSION: The parents generally agree that thanks to the project the school their child attends tohas gained prestige in local community and has become more attractive for their children.
3d question (optional)
interested in taking part and helping in project activities”
Bulgaria 20 answers
Poland 54 answers
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